"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, April 30, 2007

A long battle

Alvin finally is getting over his long battle against a cold after 3 weeks (crossing our fingers)! It was the first time Alvin got sick and the parents didn't expect that the cold came with many other complications. The good news is that Alvin's immune system has boosted. The bad news is (sigh...), he has lost some weight over the period. From all indications, Alvin can only be a lightweight boxer in the future.

Since Alvin needed some fresh air, Mom took him to Germantown's Adventure Playground. Alvin was joined by his baby buddy Ben and his loving and caring sister Bella.

There is a saying in Chinese, "One mountain cannot hold two tigers." That is what happened when we have three.

And, Alvin feels good when he is alone...

And, it is even better if he is with his mom...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It is about the time

It is about the time…teething? Not yet. Alvin still loves to show his teeth-less grins. He is just taking his time.

But, one thing did excite his parents: Alvin finally started to learn how to crawl, kind of.

Ever since he was 2 months old, the parents tried to put him on tummy to exercise his arms. But, like many other babies, Alvin just didn’t like tummy time at all. He would yell and cry and yell and cry all the time. Once he mastered how to turn from tummy to back, there is no more tummy time for him! Although it becomes normal for many babies to skip the crawling part and go straight to walking, the parents still worried that Alvin would miss all the fun time by cruising around with the arms and knees, not to mention that he could even help mom to mop the floor!

The change came after 2 weeks in the day care. With all the babies crawling around him and chasing after balls and stealing his toys away and giving him unwanted hugs and kisses, he realized he could not sit still and do nothing. The competitive world has made Alvin to excel!

As far as his crawling skills, Alvin only knows basic movement using his tummy and one side of his arms and legs. Imagining a turtle with big round tummy sticking out and four legs up in the air - that is how he crawls right now. Very entertaining.

Monday, April 9, 2007

New Outfit

How do you like my new outfit? I think it is pretty cool. My mom bought me the new hat. It fits my big head perfectly.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Sunny Afternoon

Farewell, my dear Japanese pal

Yutaka and his parents visited us last weekend and we had a wonderful time together. Little handsome Yutaka is only 5 days older than Alvin. As you can see in the pictures below, they really enjoyed the time together and they even acted together! But the little ones don't know that Yutaka and his parents are moving thousand miles away from us to Washington State this month. We will definitely miss you!!! We wish your family a smooth move and come back and visit us soon!