"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Rider

*** New Rider***
Alvin loves to ride on his Tricycle - a wonderful birthday gift from Auntie Shuang and her family. He keeps rocking and rocking until the tricycle hits the wall. Any toys that can burn up his energy is a great help to his parents!

And, lately, he has discovered a new skill that can be well received in a circus performance!

***Icecream and Discovery Room***

Last hot Saturday we took Alvin to Germantown Library. Before heading to the library, the thirsty Mom decided to try the "Cheesecake Fantasy" icecream from Cold Stone Creamery cross the street. Although it is very costly for a small bowl cone icecream ($6!!!), it has its distingish taste and texture. Since it is so expensive, the Dad decided to give Alivn the first try of the sweet!

The new Germantown Library has a Discovery Room specially designed for small childeren from newborn to 8 years old. It has all kinds of learning toys and it is absolutely a Disney World for Alvin!

***Alvin's Update***
For the past month, Alvin has changed a lot. He used to be a laidback relaxing baby but now he becomes an energetic and demanding boy! As he toddles into his second year, his parents move closer to their retirement years - Alvin has made his parents feel aging!

Alvin now can stand for extended seconds even mintues. He loves to stand up and throw ball to us. He can also walk several steps towards parents but still afraid to take the step without parents nearby.

The parents is so proud to annouce that Alvin is trilingual - he learns both English and Spanish from his Daycare teachers. His spanish-speaking teacher Ms. Gloria told Mom the other day that Alvin speaks "Great!" in spanish whenever he accomplishes some "difficult tasks". No wonder why she loves Alvin dearly - both red lip marks on his face and prefume smell all over his clothes can certainly prove that!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Agricultural Fair

What a great evening for Alvin! - we went to 2007 Montgomery County Agricultural Fair! Alvin was stunned by the crowd and cheers, fascinated by the carnival flashing lights and excited by all the farm animals. He pointed to everywhere and talked to every animal he met. We were also surprised that he could handle the animal smell so well - I guess he is around with similar odor everyday (if you know what I mean :)).

Since Alvin hasn't met the age requirement for the fun games, we jumped right into the animal exhibits.

See, how excited we get!

Have you ever been to Charlestown Horse Racing? What can be more fun than that? It has to be the PIG race! Following athletes are competing at the World Cup level.

Well, if you think PIG race is fun, wait until you see our DUCKY race!

What a life! In contrast to the racing pigs, this couple is enjoying eat-and-sleep-and-eat-again life very much. It is hard to find a companion who has similar taste of life.

We then stopped by the Old McDonald's Barn. Alvin loves Rocky the giant cow.

And, he was relieved that he doesn't need to compete with anyone else for his formula.
see, new born babies!

Yes. This is a sheep ,,, m-e-e ,,,

The pourltry house hosts many beauties, including our Black Diamond, Snow White and unnamed princess.

There are many more animals in the fair that aren't in our pictures. It was the first time we saw Alvin got so excited and curious about his surroundings. He definitely had a great day!!!