"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, June 23, 2008

Party Animal

Alvin was so honored to be invited to 2 birthday parties for the past week.

=== Preston's Birthday Party ===

Preston is Alvin's best friend in the Daycare. He is turning to TWO this month and his parents invited us to his Birthday party held at Chuck N' Cheese. It was the first time Alvin went to Chuck N' Cheese and it was a lot of fun to him! There are many cars Alvin enjoyed and he was fascinated by all the flashing game machines.

You know, "Buddies" do everything together...

Of course, Alvin didn't forget to give the birthday boy a big sweet hug.

My conclusion after seeing Alvin playing with Preston: if you want to be Alvin's best friend, you need to do:
1) never take away toys from him
2) take care of him just like his brother
3) call his name "Alvin" all the time and don't feel abandoned when he walks away from you - he is just playing with you (see following video).

It is fun to watch stubborn Alvin wasting all the coins to just learn how to insert it under rocking condition...

=== Brennan's Birthday Party ===

Alvin "played hooky" last Thursday morning to attend Brennan's Birthday Party. Brennan is turning FOUR this month. He is a big boy now!

The birthday party was held at BlackHill park playground. Of course, every guest gets to workout in the playground before the party.

Looks like Brennan got more girlfriends than boyfriends...

Alvin doesn't care about anything else but his juice and goldfish cracker.

Mason met his new friend also...
As you might know, Mom never misses any party opportunity, the same with Alvin! Thank you for inviting us!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

We invited the Zhao family over for Father's Day. How to celebrate? We let the boys play with water and sand, and the dads enjoyed watching them having funs (except that Mason is not mobile yet).

Our Happy Family

Dad professionally applied the suncream ....

The boys are having some water funs

The Zhao boys really enjoyed it...

Alvin is OK playing water with hands. But, when it comes to his face...

Clayton is the brave one...

We just got this Sand & Water table for our boys.

Remember, Clayton and Alvin used to have a little disagreement when it comes to sharing toys (please click here to view previous blog entry), but this time, they played nicely together.

Thank you, Abbey and Da! We love to have you over and Alvin loves to play with your boys! Please come again soon!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mason Special

(Following pictures were professionally taken by Dad's colleague Ming. Many thanks to Ming!)

*** Mason's Update ***

The first two weeks of Mason's arrival, he was a very quiet baby. He slept almost 23 hours a day and the parents couldn't be happier. But, once he hit the 2 weeks mark, the honeymoon is over. He is now a very alert baby and needs parents' full attention constantly. What can we say? That is baby life. Enjoy the parenthood!

*** Alvin's Update ***

There is no better brother than our Alvin. He shows nothing but loves and care towards his younger brother. Everyday he comes home from daycare, Alvin will look for his little brother and see if he is OK. Every time Mason cries, he is the first one to check on him and yells to us "brother, brother...". Every time Mom burps Mason after a feeding, Alvin will get up to his stool to help mom to pat Mason gently.