"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, November 21, 2008

Morning Glory and Night Patrol

As you know, Morning Glory greets the first sunlight from the east everyday. You know what, so does our Alvin! Don't remember since when, he starts getting up everyday around 6:30am. But, that is not all. This sweetie also checks on parents every night. Since we switched him to toddler bed, he is no longer behind the "bars" and he loves to visit our room every night and invites one of us to camp on his bedroom floor.

Well, our little Mason is not any better. Ever since he was little, he had the "reflux" problem and he waked up very often at night and the parents tried their best to comfort him back to sleep. Now, he has outgrown his reflux and he has also been spoiled by the parents for his first 6 months of life. The parents have to take the consequence - wakes up with him at least 10 times at night.

But, at the end of the day when we can finally lay our exhausted bodies to bed, we still feel lucky to have them around. And sure enough, here comes Mason's crying again.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little People

Alvin got several Little People play sets this week, including Animal Sound Farm, Eddie and his Workshop, School Bus, and a Playground with Merry-go-around, slides and swing! On the top of all the little people around him, Alvin got a race car/train track also! It is the stage where he can really use his imagination!

While Alvin is busy playing with his Little People, we have a little people in the house doing his daily workout - our little Mason is practicing for his Mr. USA. From the video below, you can tell how one can really build up the muscles.

Alvin and Mason are good friends now. Alvin loves to entertain his brother. Below is a picture of him playing Peek-a-poo with his brother.
Don't you think they look more like each other now than before?

For Halloween, we dressed up Alvin as a NASA astronaut! He really has the look! Following his picture, we also have a video showing how nicely he plays with his friends in the daycare. The parents were wondering why he only plays with girls but the teacher confirmed that Alvin only plays with kids who are not aggressive. That explains why.