"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Air Show

Wow... Mason and Alvin and their first air show! We were lucky that Ava was able to join us. I am sure Alvin enjoyed the show (and the shuttle school bus) more with his friend Ava's present!

It was a cloudy day for the airshow and it was delayed due to the low clouds. We waited and waited and waited for 2 hours and finally the sun peeked through the clouds!

While we were waiting for the show, Alvin and Ava cruised around to check out all the aircraft and equipments. They got very excited, but of course, they still remembered to hold their hands together for most of the time.

When they get older and see this picture, isn't that a warm feeling? Childhood friends are friends forever.

Finally, the show begins!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Who is taking charge in the house?

(Disclaimer: following pictures don't reflect our parenting ability.)

This little one just turned one and he is already pinching down his big brother!

Mason to Alvin: Can I have the toy now?

Mason to parents: I did nothing.

Mason to parents: we were just playing.

Guess who is turning ONE?

We had a mini Birthday party for Mason on Mother's Day. Everyone was surprised to know that Mason is already ONE! Yes. He is officially a boy now!

You know what would happen if we didn't stop him.

Baby and Me

What a sunny and windy day! It was just perfect for a kite flying. Every one in the party enjoyed flying kites, kids and parents. Alvin learned to operate the kite very fast. We just basically told him to keep running.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Brothers are playing together

Our play yard has been extended to the basement. This pop-up hide-and-seek tent and tunnels takes up the whole basement. But, the boys had endless fun in it.

Thomas choo-choo train is Alvin's last Christmas gift but Mason thinks everything is his toy.

Easter Sunday Egg Hunt

Easter weekend was almost 3 weeks ago. So what?! Pictures are always fun to see!

Easter Saturday was a rainy day for the egg hunt at Seneca Valley high school so they hosted the event in the gym. Big crowds still poured in. They had many wonderful toddler age games for Alvin!

Mason got his share also.

That is what a tree is made of.

Wheel of Fortune!

On Sunday Mom drove Alvin to Butler Orchard farm in Germantown for more egg hunting and she found herself in an empty parking lot. It is Easter Sunday, dumb! Alvin was very disappointed but 5 minutes later we were invited to our friend Lan Yan's house for egg hunting. We had very limited eggs for 4 kids so we hid the same eggs 3 times so they could enjoy the funs!