Early Saturday morning, we had a little warm-up in Black Hill park (not pictured). In the afternoon, we visited National Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, VA.
Cousin Sammie really knows how to have a movie star pose.
Let's get some souvenir. See how this machine rolls out an airplane coin.
Followed by the museum visit, we attended Aaron's big 5 birthday party. The boys didn't help to blow out candles, but they did help to "trash" the playroom.
One would think the boys would be totally tired by what they did on Saturday. But, on Sunday, Mason woke up at 5:30am to make sure we got to DC earlier enough to have a good parking spot.
You know how hard it was for Mom to carry a 27 pounds Mason around town. As you could predict, the boys survived at the end, not the parents.