"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First Trip to China

Finally I got the chance to organize the pictures from last summer's China trip.  It is a year overdue.

Traveled to the other side of the globe...26 hours span from door to door...3 flights...visited 5 cities...over 104 degrees with no ice water...12 hours before flying back, a face down fall from a bunk bed...

What happened in China, always stays in our memory...

=== ShangHai ===
ShangHai is the largest city in China.  It is a city full of excitement, culture, fashion and ...people.

Can you see people on the ground?

Overlooking Yangzhi River

The Bund

=== Ning Bo===
NingBo is a beautiful city to visit.  DongQian Lake in suburban area is spectacular.  The vast body of water is surrounded by natural beauty of the mountains and culture heritages.  Spending time with Yuelun's extended families is precious, dining in authenticated restaurants is exceptional and staying in a five-star hotel with a TV built-in bathroom is a bonus, at least for the children.
Beautiful Jade Display

Lotus Blossom

Boys are really touring...

The following two walls of imprints are for the most popular Chinese surnames.

so peaceful...

=== Guang Zhou ===
Mom's parents live in a quiet suburban apartment community surrounding by mountains and next to a lake. With several cousins' accompany, Alvin and Mason had some real fun time!

=== Hongkong ===

We stayed in a relative's apartment on 26th floor of a building that sits on a mountain. A million dollar view!
Just 15 minutes upon our arrival, Mason fell from the bunk bed facing down. We rushed to the hospital and the doctor suggested some stitches. Considering our early flight in the morning, we just asked for antibiotics and cleaning of the cut.

That only left us 3 hours to tour the city. Sitting on the front row of the top floor of a "double-decker" bus and traveling downhill on a curly road was quite an adventure for the boys.

We visited Victoria Park overlooking Victoria Harbor at the sunset. If you look closely in the following picture, you can see the bump on Mason's jaw.

We will come back soon!