"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, October 11, 2007


Before the parents go hibernated with the animals, we visited the National Zoo the weekend before. At Alvin's age, he can only see what he can see, like big animals or animals move very fast, or playful animals like Apes who played "peek-a-poo" in front of us!

We first stopped at the Panda House. Guess what? Panda Tian Tian hibernates even on a hot Fall day! It was only 10 o'clock in the morning!

Panda Mei Xiang is the active one.

I guess they are comparing the size of their eyes.

We were lucky to see an elephant talent show. They first say Hi to us. Then, they show their friendships by doing "hand-in-hand".

*** Family Update ***

The lazy mom got tired of taking care of Alvin days and nights so she trained the Dad to do all the works. Every night after dinner, Daddy will play with Alvin, and then give him a warm bath, dress him up, wash his face, put lotion on, brush his teeth, wipe his gums (watch out for the mad bites from self-defense), read storybooks, feed him bottle and put him to bed. What the mom is doing in the meantime? Lay in bed watching TV or read a book or do nothing, you know, all that good stuff. And, of course, now and then, she would ensure the Dad that (doing all the works) is the new trend for modern time Daddies.

Then, the lazy Dad got tired of not having his personal time in the evening so he trained Alvin to sleep earlier and sleep on his own. He would put Alvin to bed before 8:30pm, let the toy Giraffe to play a melody from MusicBox, and say "night night" to Alvin. The good boy Alvin will just play on his own to sleep, sometimes within 5 minutes and sometimes takes almost an hour but he just stays quietly and talks to the animal (or himself) and comforts himself by mouthing the corner of his favor blanket.

The "not that lazy" Alvin lately falls in love with reading storybooks. He spends at least 1 or 2 hours everyday browsing through all the books, pointing to each figure and asks for their names. Also, he loves looking at the US Wall Map and the World Wall Map in our house. Looks like he got that from his Daddy.

1 comment:

ZhaoKids said...

You guys are doing a great job, just don't let Abbey know about the lazy mom syndrome, she might catch it.