"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Vistors - strangers or friends?

Despite the fridge temperature, Alvin still enjoyed going to mall playground and visiting friends. Also, we had unexpected visitors from old days. Surprisingly, Alvin made friends with our visitors instantly. He even gave kisses and big hugs to express his appreciations.

It was the first time Alvin met his Uncle Ken, a long time dear friend of the parents. Uncle Ken's surprising visit already overwhelmed the parents. But on the top, he delivered a great news to us - he is going to get married in the coming March and expecting about 550 guests in his wedding! We felt so honored that he personally delivered the wonderful news and wedding invitation to us! Congratulations, dear couple!

Mom's dearest "American Mother" Margaret paid us a visit from New Mexico (yes, the state!). About 6 years ago, Grandma Margaret "lost hope" on her daughter Hope, and decided to move to New Mexico to pursue her dreaming career of teaching in the Indian Reservation. The majestic mountains and modern arts in Taos, NW are so attractive to Margaret so she decided to stay there forever. It was so nice to catch up with her after so many years and it was especially nice to see her doing so well. Alvin will love to visit you in the near future!

****** Family Update ******

For the past couple months, Alvin has learned a great deal from his peers in the daycare center, for the most part, good stuff. His Daddy also taught him colors, shapes and numbers. He now can identify red, yellow, blue and green colors; circle, triangle, rectangle, star and square shapes; numbers from 1 to 10! Daddy has done an amazing job!

With the second one coming on the way, the parents decided to buy a van. After Dad's intensively searching and comparing, we finally settled with an Odyssey. The first day Mom drove her new car, in about 20 minutes, she "broke" the back door (couldn't open it) and totally "ruined" the rear mirror camera. Wow...she is as advanced as Alvin! But, it turned out that Dad was the last one slammed the back door and the hatch was broken and obviously it turned the camera to a wrong angle. The dealer fixed the defected hatch and now everything is back to normal. So, it is fair to say, the toys in our house have to be Alvin-proof, and the hardware in the house has to be Daddy-proof.

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