"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, September 21, 2009


Off we go...Chicago! 1700+ miles and 9 days sums up our first long distance trip to Chicago. The boys lost a little bit weight and a lot of sleep but they have gained much more experience and have grown up quite a bit. It was a family re-union and the boys showed their endless energy while playing with their cousins.

First, we would like to give you profiles of all the rookies in Mom's family. From left to right:

Tyler: 5+ months. A happy baby who eats a lots and sleeps a lot. Cannot ask for more.
Mason: 16 months. 27 pounds baby who refused to learn how to walk for the past 4 months. He started walking on the day we got to Chicago.
Hailey: 2 years and 2 months. Tyler's sister and his Daddy's little princess.
Alvin: 3 years and 2 months. Our stubborn but yet sweet boy.
Sammie: 4 years and 9 months. Being the oldest kid in the family, she has all the good qualities for a caring sister.

===== Day 1: Germantown to Toledo =====
This is more than 7 hours drive and we were not certain how the boys would handle it. We loaded the van with computer games, toys, music CDs and foods, with the hope that the boys will have enough to do and leave us along.

It was a good start and the boys were anxious to get out of the house. But, forty-five minutes into the drive, Alvin told us he wanted to pee pee. Well, that is the request we cannot say no to.

Then, Mason showed his dissatisfaction whenever we passed a truck on the road. He loves trucks. If it is out of his sight, he would yell and even cry. Well, if we would make our speed compatible with the trucks, we could only get to Pittsburgh that night.

We picked up cousin Sammie and her mom in the evening in Toledo and stayed overnight in a hotel.

===== Day 2: Toledo to Chicago =====
The boys and cousin Sammie yelled and sang all the way to Chicago. It was better than the first day because now they are accompanied by cousin Sammie .

===== Day 3: Downtown Chicago =====
We wasted no time and visited downtown Chicago the next day. Chicago is always a nice city to visit.

Cloud Gate in Millennium Park

Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millennium park

City View and Chicago Architect

Michigan Lake

Fountain at Grant park

The Crown Fountain

I called this "the Corn Building". But its name is Marina City Towers.

Wrigley Building by Chicago River

Chicago Tribune Tower

This art reminds me the same art I saw in Bloomington, Indiana.

Navy Pier

Pirate Stamps

===== Day 4: Local Parks =====

===== Day 5: Family Fun =====

This is the family. Hard to get all kids looking at the camera at the same time.

Please click to enlarge this picture. His shirt says it all.

Grandpa make the kids some kites. Alvin's kite flies up so high!

Poor Hailey had to push these two lazy cousins whose combine weight is almost 90 pounds.

===== Day 6: Downtown Naperville =====
My brother lives in Naperville, a suburban area of Chicago. It was ranked the No. 1 livable town in the US. You can tell why.

===== Day 7: Mini Golf =====

===== Day 8: Chicago to Dayton, Dayton Air Force Museum =====

It's time to say goodbye. The happy moment is always in my boys' memory. We reluctantly left Chicago. To make sure the boys got the best out of the trip, we took a longer route so the boys could visit Dayton Air Force museum. This is the largest and oldest military aviation museum in the world! No wonder why my boys were so excited!

You probably won't find another B-2 displayed in any other museum!

===== Day 9: Dayton to Germantown, Cumberland Train Station and C&O Canal =====

We wrapped up our last day last stop at Cumberland. Every time we visited Western Maryland, we stopped at this peaceful and yet full of history town.


Diana said...

I have picked your longest post :)Looks like a lot of fun. Glad you had a great vacation!

ZhaoKids said...

Home Sweet Home, welcome back!

good to see you at the park today. need to have play date soon =)