"A successful man is someone who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much, who has gained the respect of others and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty ; who always looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. "
- a variation of "Success" by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend Fun

I don't know what other parents do during the weekends but we don't like to stay home with two boys. It is much easier if we take them out because Alvin will have fun playing stuff (not to bother us constantly) and Mason will sleep in his comfy car seat from the beginning to the end! So, every weekend we find every chance to get out of the house.

Just to show you how busy we are over the weekends. We have pictures to prove!

=== County Farm Tour ===

It is the annual summer Montgomery County Farm Tour event! This time we picked Butler's Orchard Farm in Germantown. Alvin tried on different mini farm equipments and had a scenic hayride!

It turned out that hayride is not that comfortable.
Dad and Alvin entered into "Veggi Race". Kids are supposed to use vegetables to create a racer and they will race with others on a truck! It is a showtime for the creative and handy Daddy!

=== Clayton's 2nd Birthday ===

Clayton had a birthday party at Chuck E' Cheese on his birthday.

Because we are little we are "allowed" to get onto the alley and put the balls into the holes directly! That is an easy way to get rewarded tickets.
=== Washingtonian Center Duck Feeding ===

Alvin is a bread-lover. So, for him, using his bread to feed the duck means sharing foods! Only the cute ducks and geese are the exception!

=== Black Hill Park Hiking ===

We joined Andy and his family for a hike in Black Hill Park. But, at first, Andy showed us how to throw rocks!
Looks like the parents need to teach "Manner 101" to Alvin.
=== Bechtel Company Party ===

We were honored to be invited to Bechtel's Company party in Smoky Glen Farm in Gaithersburg. Besides to the free softdrinks, beers, wines, ice cream and foods, we enjoyed all the fun activities!

=== Daddy's Company Party ===

Every year, Dad's company holds a summer party at 4H camp in Frederick. This year's party was full of fun games for kids.
Alvin stand next to the juice box pond for almost the entire party. He thought he could easily drink out all the juices that way.

At the end of the party, a severe thunderstorm came out from nowhere but at the end Alvin saw the beautiful rainbow the first time.

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